Looking For An Example Of A Dissertation's Acknowledgment Page

The acknowledgement page is often just thrown in at the end when you have completed your dissertation and you are completely sick of it. It usually is quickly put together and put in there as an afterthought. You may want to rethink that and take a little bit longer to write your page because you want to make sure you have thanked everyone that should be thanked. There are many people that will be grading your dissertation and you want to make sure you have given everyone that has helped you their credit or you may make someone angry. There are three parts to your acknowledgement page. Part 1 include the Reflecting Section which basically explains your writing journey and any problems you may have run into and how you got past them. Part 2 is the Thanking Section. This is where you thank anyone who may have helped you through your journey in writing your thesis. Part 3 is the Announcing Section where you make your dedications for your dissertation. There are many places that you can find examples of a dissertation’s acknowledgement page:

  • Library – Ask your librarian where the dissertations are and look through them. You will see many different types of acknowledgement pages and you can choose from them what type of format you want to use.

  • Other students – You can look at the dissertations from other students and see what their pages look like. Past students will be more than happy to show off their thesis and you can see what type of format they used. See what grade the student received and see if there were any notations on the page that may give insight on a better page.

  • Software – There is software available that will create your page for you if you answer a series of questions. Your page can actually be completed in 10 minutes if you really want to go that route. You can probably borrow the software from someone or they may have it at the library.

  • Internet - There are thousands of dissertations you can look at on the internet that will show you the formats of the acknowledgement page. Look through many of them until you find a format that you like and then complete your page.

If you look on the internet you will find many sites that will show examples of any part of a dissertation that you may want to see.

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